Archive for August, 2014

Chapitre X. Le sort des propriétés vacantes, abandonnées et séquestrées

Texte intégral

1Dans un contexte politique fréquemment perturbé, le départ souvent brutal d’une partie des anciens habitants de Salonique s’est soldé par l’abandon et la mise sous tutelle d’un grand nombre de biens. Le Service cadastral de l’État (Κτηματική ϒπηρεσία του Δημοσίου, KYD) est un organisme chargé de veiller à la gestion des avoirs immeubles du domaine public. La décision initiale de recourir à ses archives était fondée sur l’espoir de trouver trace du devenir des propriétés abandonnées par les Slaves – et notamment par les Bulgares – suite à leur départ, au lendemain de la seconde guerre balkanique. Les registres ont été d’une richesse insoupçonnée. Ils ont permis de suivre la destinée de quantité de bâtiments, qui ont transité, ou qui sont restés, entre les mains du domaine public. L’État s’affirme une nouvelle fois comme un acteur essentiel dans la redistribution du sol, à Salonique même et dans ses environs.

Hétérogénéité des biens publics : le rôle pivot de l’État dans la redistribution des terres

2La législation grecque considère comme « publics » les biens-fonds suivants :

  • les monuments non ecclésiastiques (exemple : la tour Blanche) ;
  • les immeubles issus d’héritages vacants ;
  • les anciennes terres publiques ottomanes ;
  • les terrains sans détenteurs privés (zones d’assèchement, plages soumises à la marée…) ;
  • toutes les propriétés achetées et vendues lors d’une guerre, dans une zone d’occupation militaire; si les anciens possédants spoliés ne se manifestent pas, l’État récupère les avoirs après la guerre (référence aux zones d’occupation italienne, allemande et bulgare) ;
  • toutes les propriétés abandonnées, dont le titulaire légal est inconnu ; au bout de dix ans de gestion par le domaine public, elles reviennent à l’État ;
  • les biens errants : leurs anciens détenteurs sont connus, mais ont disparu ;
  • les secteurs de fouilles archéologiques.

3Le signalement des terrains ou bâtiments abandonnés, ou de ceux dont la propriété est incertaine, provient des propres investigations des services de l’État, ou se fait à l’initiative du voisinage. Les archives de la KYD présentent l’avantage d’être classées très simplement : deux volumes dressent la liste de toutes les acquisitions temporaires ou définitives de l’État. Ils renvoient à des tableaux cadastraux descriptifs et aux dossiers analytiques, où sont stockés tous les actes, schémas et lettres disponibles. L’inscription d’un édifice sur le registre fait suite à une décision (εντολή) du ministère de l’Économie, dont dépend la KYD. Elle marque l’aboutissement d’une longue enquête (doute sur la provenance), ou d’une procédure réduite (don, héritage, etc.).

4Le cadastre des terres publiques est donc marqué par une hétérogénéité caractéristique, qui s’oppose au fonds documentaire de l’EDAP. Ce dernier ne traite strictement que des terrains abandonnés par les Turcs après 1922. La richesse et la diversité des archives de la KYD augurent d’une possible investigation sur les possessions bulgares, puisque aucune institution spécifique n’a été créée pour pourvoir à leur devenir. Le destin de ce patrimoine relève de deux possibilités : une liquidation préalable au départ vers la Bulgarie – seul le Conservatoire des hypothèques de Salonique peut alors apporter des documents tangibles, mais son accès est étroitement réglementé ; ou bien l’abandon forcé, dans la précipitation de l’exode ; dans le meilleur des cas, ces biens ont alors été transférés vers le domaine public. Les prises de possession sauvages, qui ont été pratiquement la règle jusqu’à la Seconde Guerre mondiale, sont bien entendu exclues de ce raisonnement.

  • 1 Οργανισμός Περιθάλψεως και Αποκαταστάσεως Ι σραηλίτων Ελλάδος, Organisme d’assistance et de rétabl (…)

5Les propriétés Israélites abandonnées au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale n’entrent pas en ligne de compte. Le gouvernement grec a signé un protocole d’accord avec les représentants de la communauté : les avoirs immobiliers des Juifs morts en Allemagne doivent être attribués aux héritiers légaux des disparus, ou en leur absence être transférés à l’ΟΡΑΙΕ1, organisme qui en assure la gestion. Aucun transfert au domaine public grec n’a été effectué de ce côté-ci.

6La vente des terres publiques se fait toujours aux enchères, à moins qu’un occupant ne se manifeste. Si ce dernier utilise plus de 50 % de la surface, la cession est directe. L’État peut expulser de force les occupants illégaux. Cependant, une telle décision nuit inévitablement aux préoccupations politiques du moment. Une grande souplesse, attachée au clientélisme politique, règne dans ces redistributions. La règle est identique à celle pratiquée par la Pronia et par l’EDAP : la régularisation est considérée comme une solution facile et immédiatement profitable, qui permet en outre de se décharger de ses responsabilités. Si un particulier vient réclamer un bien revendu par la KYD, et qu’aucune rétrocession n’est possible, le domaine public doit délivrer en compensation une propriété de valeur équivalente, ou rembourser à hauteur du prix estimé.

7Les registres du patrimoine d’État ont été des outils de travail précieux. Les deux volumes sont organisés de manière chronologique, de 1912 à nos jours, et comportent nombre d’indications relatives aux immeubles et à leur devenir. Sont systématiquement notés le numéro d’enregistrement, la commune de localisation et l’adresse, la surface, la nature (champ, maison…), le bornage et l’identification des terrains voisins, la valeur estimée et, enfin, lorsqu’elle est connue, l’origine de l’acquisition. Globalement, 2 874 terrains et maisons sont passés entre les mains de l’organisme au cours du siècle, dont la majorité localisés à Salonique même.

8Dans l’impossibilité d’étudier exhaustivement les registres, l’exploitation s’est limitée dans un premier temps aux domaines situés à Salonique et dans les communes constitutives de l’agglomération. À l’intérieur de cette catégorie, n’ont été retenus que les constructions ou les lopins abandonnés, errants, ou qui ont relevé à un moment donné de sujets non grecs. Les possessions du domaine public ottoman, les héritages vacants, les espaces archéologiques, les terres libres (remblais, etc.), les terrains de la zone franche du port et les transferts à l’OPAIE ont été ignorés.

9L’objectif premier de la KYD a été de gérer le sort des propriétés laissées vacantes par les Musulmans, et dans une moindre mesure par les Bulgares à l’extérieur de Salonique. Les premiers dossiers réglés ont laissé peu de traces : les terrains, maisons, magasins, sont revendus ou cédés sans que soit indiquée la nature de l’utilisation précédente, ni l’identité des anciens détenteurs. Seul figure le nom du destinataire du transfert, occupant spontané ou acheteur aux enchères. Un grand flou règne sur ces transactions. La quantité de vacances était impressionnante dans ces premières années de fonctionnement ; elles ont été comblées par des redistributions, à l’exception des édifices intéressant le domaine public grec (monuments…). Cette absence d’indication sur la provenance des saisies semble avoir été le fruit d’une procédure d’enquête rapide et limitée. L’impératif de répartition primait. Les informations s’améliorent progressivement au-delà de la millième propriété enregistrée. Dans la pratique, un tiers des données n’a donc pu être exploité, et n’aurait pu l’être qu’à travers l’examen des dossiers au cas par cas.


   The JP Morgan Blue Book. 


Picture: JPMorgan Bank Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption 1934.

Picture: JPMorgan Bank Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption 1934.

Picture: JPMorgan Bank Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption 1934.

Deep inside the Pandora’s Suitcase disclosures are thought to be the various texts of the JPMorgan Bank Blue Book (The Secret Book of Redemption 1934, and its subsequent editions). Some images of the 1934 edition of this book are pictured above.

The top of the first recto page reads as follows: “The Department of Finance, Acting on the Instructions of the SUMMARY REGULATIONS. By Authority of an Act of the JP MORGAN BANK AND COMPANY. Legislature approved by the Secretary of the Treasury.”

The JPMorgan Blue Book is said to be the covert world authority text which establishes the human bloodlines to which the entire wealth of the planet ultimately belongs. Some of these self-appointed bloodlines are of “royal” origin; many are not.

Family names which feature prominently in the text are understood to include: Rothschild (Bauer or Bower), Bruce, Cavendish (Kennedy), De Medici, Hanover, Hapsburg (Habsburg), Krupp, Plantagenet, Rockefeller, Romanov, Sinclair (St Clair), Warburg (del Banco) and Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha).

These élite and exclusive reptilian bloodlines (the “Illuminati” dynasties) have run the hidden finances and slave-systems of the planet for many millennia, way back into what their mainstream controlled historians call “pre-history.” Notice the absence of Asian names on the list.

Very little is available (yet) on searchable open-access websites about the JPMorgan Blue Book. The pictures of the 1934 edition above were released by Neil Keenan in an email to Drake Bailey on Saturday 18th August 2012 (text here).

In that email, Keenan notes: “Blue Book established the blood lines. Queen E and Bill C are in it…Most of the Royal Families are in it. They have kept the money amongst the families from the very beginning.”

For chronological reasons, the particular 1934 edition of the JPMorgan Blue Book, which Neil Keenan provides images of, cannot explicitly name Queen Elizabeth II of England (Elizabeth Windsor) or US President Bill Clinton. In 1934, Elizabeth Windsor was only eight years old, and the 1936 Edward Windsor / Wallis Simpson abdication crisis had not yet occurred. So, at that stage, Elizabeth Windsor’s route to the English throne was far from clear, although her German (Nazi) bloodline was well-established through the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha lineage. And in 1934, Bill Clinton was not born. It must be supposed that both these individuals feature in more recent editions of the JPMorgan Blue Book.

People sometimes ask who Neil Keenan is. Keenan is a 61-year-old American White Hat and patriot working with the Monaco Colloquium group of 150 nations (including the BRICS and the Non Aligned Movement), the Asian Dragon Family, the Swiss Financial Authorities and the estate of President Sukarno of Indonesia. He is assisting them to remove the private Western G5 banking cartel and to change the global financial system from its current, Illuminati-driven, debt-based fiat paper carousel to a more benign, gold-backed currency system which gives fair play to all persons and nations regardless of bloodline.

Neil Francis Keenan was born in Rhode Island, USA, on the 10th September 1951, and is the bearer of Ireland passport No 4066301. An indication of his cabal-perceived importance and effectiveness came at the end of August 2012. An Italian wet team working for the former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi tried to assassinate Neil Keenan at his home in Bulgaria. Among other things, a virus bioweapon was deployed. Keenan and his family survived, but they were hospitalised for several days with a lung infection.

The JP Morgan Bank Blue Book also calls
itself “The Secret Book of Redemption.” The word “redemption” here has
several layers of meaning, some of which are occult. But in the trade
vernacular of banking and business, redemption means the repayment of a
debt, the purchasing back of something which has been previously sold
(or lost), the recovery of something pawned or mortgaged, or the payment
of an obligation – as in a sovereign government’s payment of the value
of its bonds. In 1934, a series of bonds was issued by the JP Morgan
Bank. In recent decades, the claimed method of redemption of these bonds
has been obfuscated.

 The JPMorgan Bank Blue Book is called The Secret Book of Redemption because it details the hidden machinations whereby global debt management can be manipulated to benefit the élite banking bloodlines and disadvantage the goyim (the sheeple).


Rothschild Billionaire Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, executed In Iran For bilking money then buying Iranian property for Agenda 21

The plight of Kenya’s Sengwer people shows that carbon offsets generated by ‘sustainable’ forest management are empowering a corporate recolonisation of the South backed by the World Bank against its own guidelines, writes Nafeez Ahmed. Indigenous forest peoples are at risk of genocide while corporations let rip.

The government is permitting powerful logging companies to accelerate deforestation to buoy the Kenyan economy while systematically persecuting indigenous communities whose environmental impact is negligible.

Between 2000 and 2010, a total of 500 million acres of land in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean was acquired or negotiated under deals brokered on behalf of foreign governments or transnational corporations.

  1. Another Banker Dead: IRAN Executes Rothschild Billionaire On $2.6 Billion Bank Fraud ~ Used Fraudulent Funds To Implement Agenda 21 In Buying State Property.
  2. Heads Up: Rothschild Bankers Who Screwed Everyone In Ireland Are Finally On Trial: Ireland Joins Iceland, Egypt, Russia, Hungary, China, & Iran


Many such deals are geared toward growing crops or biofuels for export to richer, developed countries – with the consequence that small-holder farmers are displaced from their land and lose their livelihood while local communities go hungry.

The concentration of ownership of the world’s farmland in the hands of powerful investors and corporations is rapidly accelerating, driven by resource scarcity and, thus, rising prices. According to a new report by the US land rights organisation Grain:

“The powerful demands of food and energy industries are shifting farmland and water away from direct local food production to the production of commodities for industrial processing.”

And now, the carbon market is joining the race:

Less known factors, however, include ‘conservation’ and ‘carbon offsetting’.

In west Kenya, as the UK NGO Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) reported, over a thousand homes had been torched by the government’s Kenya Forest Service (KFS) to forcibly evict the 15,000 strong Sengwer indigenous people from their ancestral homes in the Embobut forest and the Cherangany Hills.

  1. Nobel Peace Prize-President Surreptitiously Started 8th US Warfront In Uganda, Africa!
  2. Rothschild Banking Operatives Obama, McCain, Lieberman, & Graham: Unleashes Mercenary Terror ”TIDAL WAVE” Over North Africa!

Since 2007, successive Kenyan governments have threatened Sengwer communities in the Embobut forest with eviction. A deadline for residents to leave the forest expired in early January, prompting the most recent spate of violence.

The pretext for the eviction is that the indigenous Sengwer – labelled wrongly as “squatters” – are responsible for the accelerating degradation of the forest.

Elsewhere in Kenya’s Mount Elgon forest, however, the KFS’ track record reveals a more complicated story. In 2010, the indigenous Ogiek were issued a deadline to relocate in the name of forest conservation and reforestation.

In February this year, Survival International reported that, like the Sengwer, the Ogiek continued to be violently evicted from their homes in violation of court orders, with reports of government officials and their supporters seizing their land.

Obama campaigning for his muslim cousin Odinga in Kenya. Obama pretentiously absconded funds from the U.S. while he was an Illinois senator in 2006 to fly to Kenya. Christians were slaughtered after his muslim cousin lost.

Easy on the powerful, hard on the weak:

While deforestation is undoubtedly linked to the activities of poor communities, the Kenyan government’s approach illustrates favouritism toward parochial vested interests. In addition to the indigenous communities, the forests are also inhabited by many thousands of tea-planters, loggers, and squatters.

  1. Warning: Obama’s Links To CIA’s Al-Qaeda And The Kenyan Mall Massacre Revealed

According to an internal report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2000, reviewing the Kenyan government’s internationally-funded conservation programme, “the forests of Mt Elgon are not being sustainably managed.”

The report highlighted “unsustainable harvesting of both indigenous and plantation forest on Mt Elgon”, routine flouting of “regulations and procedures for sound management”, “the rate of forest plantation harvesting” far exceeding “the rate of replanting”, lack of supervision of controls on “forest harvesting operations authorised by the Forest Department”, and consequently “extensive loss of forest resources.”

The IUCN review also alluded to the role of the Kenyan government’s relationship with RaiPly Ltd, a Kenyan company involved in manufacture of wood products:

“It is not known why or how RaiPly presumably received a license to harvest indigenous species, thus circumventing the ban on harvesting in indigenous forests.”

Barry Soetoro Campaigns For His Cousin Odina with U.S. Tax Payer Expense For Traveling & Housing. Odinga The One Behind The Massacre Of Christians After He Lost The Election.

The answer – persecute indigenous communities:

Official Kenyan parliamentary records from May 1999 show that Kenyan political representatives have been concerned about these issues for some time.

One question put to Kenya’s then assistant minister for natural resources, Peter Lengees, by a Kenyan MP pointed out that “trees are being cut in Mt. Elgon forest” threatening the region’s rivers “from both sides”. Local government officials, the MP accused, “have shared up the area between these two rivers” which are now “drying up”.

  1. Kenyan-Born Obama, All Set For 2004 US Senate ~ Christians, All Set To Die.
  2. British National Archives Show Son Born To Obama Sr. In 1961 In Kenya!

Lengees denied any knowledge of this, prompting a further question from late politician George Kapten, who said that “lorries from Raiply” had been ferrying high-value teak timber from Mount Elgon forest.

“And I wish to add that the highest authority in this country has shares in RaiPly”, he added. Lengees repeated his denial but admitted that RaiPly was “licensed to cut trees from some forests in Kenya.”

Currently, RaiPly is among several major companies that are exempt from a partial government ban on logging. Effectively, the government is permitting powerful logging companies to accelerate deforestation to buoy the Kenyan economy while systematically persecuting indigenous communities whose environmental impact is comparatively negligible.

The headquarters of the World Bank in downtown Washington DC

The World Bank – IMF is owned and controlled by NM Rothschild and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world.

Behind it all, the World Bank:

The devastating plight of Kenya’s indigenous peoples is symptomatic of the flawed approach to conservation on the part of international agencies.

The World Bank’s Natural Resource Management Programme (NRMP) with the Kenyan government, launched in 2007, has involved funding for projects in the Cherangany Hills under the UN’s Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) programme, including “financing REDD+ readiness activities” some of which began in May 2013.

  1. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Carlos Slim are supposedly “the richest men in the world,” their combined wealth of $180 billion would qualify them only as mere servants for the House of Rothschild.

Under the REDD scheme, companies in the developed world purchase carbon credits to invest in reducing emissions from forested lands. Those credits turn up on the companies’ balance sheets as carbon reductions.

In practice, however, REDD schemes largely allow those companies to accelerate pollution while purchasing land and resources in the developing world at bargain prices.

A FPP background brief on the role of the World Bank claims that the implementation of NRMP – overseen by the very same KFS forces conducting a scorched earth campaign in Cherangany – violates the Bank’s own operational safeguard policies.


Burning homes and food stores:

A formal Sengwer complaint to the Bank lodged in January last year alleged that human rights abuses by Kenyan forces were “a direct result” of the World Bank-funded programme. According to the FPP brief,

“One example of the harm caused by the project was that it changed the border of the Cherangany forest reserves such that Sengwer families, without any consultation or notice, found themselves on the inside of the forest reserve and therefore automatically subject to eviction by the KFS, evictions effectively funded by the World Bank. These evictions were customarily executed by burning homes and food stores in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013.”

In a statement in February, the World Bank disavowed any link between its programme and the forced evictions, but also offered to the Kenyan government:

” … to share best practices in resettlement in line with its safeguard policies. These seek to improve or restore the living standards of people affected by involuntary resettlement.”

A letter to the Bank in March by No REDD in Africa network (Nran) – a group of African civil society organisations – signed by over 60 international NGOs accused the Bank with the above words of

” … both admitting its complicity in the forced relocation of the Sengwer People as well as offering to collude with the Kenyan government to cover-up cultural genocide.”

As “carbon credit financier and broker”, the World Bank is “aiding and abetting the forced relocation of an entire Indigenous People through its Natural Resource Management Plan (NRMP) which includes REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), in the Cherangany Hills”, said the letter.

His Secret Expatriation Of U.S. Currency!

NYC Bloomberg, Calls For Carbon Tax On The Middle East: Funnels Money For Air Into Chicago For Rahm Emanuel!

World Bank paves the way for massive ‘carbon grabs’:

The Sengwer’s complaint is currently under investigation by the World Bank Inspection Panel. Although the report is now complete, a Bank spokesperson, Phil Hay, said that it would not be reviewed by the Board until August or September.

“The World Bank is not associated with the evictions and has not supported or financed resettlement in forest areas under the now closed Natural Resource Management Project (NMRP)”, said Hay.

“Nonetheless we are not bystanders either. We have been concerned about how the evictions have been handled and have been in frequent touch with the Kenyan government.”

Notably, the Bank’s professed concern here is with “how the evictions have been handled”, not with evictions being carried out in the first place.

A damning new report from the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) based in Washington DC thus warns that the UN and World Bank approach to REDD is paving the way for large-scale “carbon grabs” by foreign governments and investors, putting at risk the land rights, livelihoods and lives of indigenous communities.

The report surveyed 23 low and middle income countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, covering 66% of the developing world’s forests, concluding that REDD had not established laws or mechanisms by which indigenous peoples and local communities could profit from the carbon in the forests they inhabited.

“Their rights to their forests may be few and far between, but their rights to the carbon in the forests are non-existent”, said Arvind Khare, RRI executive director.

Middle Class America ~ Bamboozled By Bankers

Rothschild’s New Middle Class aka; ‘Serfs’ Around The World ~ Earn Between $4 And $13 A Day.

A genocide in the making:

At the United Nations climate negotiations in Warsaw in November 2013, delegates reached an agreement that would allow REDD to move forward which, however, excluded questions around who should control and benefit from the new carbon value found in standing forests.

Instead, the World Bank Carbon Fund’s approach to defining carbon rights has been widely criticised by civil society groups for creating conflict between new property rights to carbon, and existing statutory and customarily held rights of local communities.

The lack of clear safeguards and measures opens up an unprecedented opportunity for corporate and government land grabbing.

global warming climate temperature fraud

Coldest Winter In 1,000 Years On Its Way ~~ While Fear Mongers Of Global Warming, Laugh All The Way To The Bank!

Tony La Viña, Dean of the Ateneo School of Government and chair of the intergovernmental REDD [Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)] negotiations at the climate conferences in Copenhagen and Durban, said:

“The carbon markets, when up and running, need to support the forest stewardship of the people who live there, and not provide national governments with yet another tool to dispossess their citizens from the natural resources they have cared for and depended on for generations.”

According to the No REDD in Africa network, it is precisely because indigenous people and their rights are not factored into REDD principles that their implementation could lead to outright genocide.

Memories Of History: When The People Get Fed Up!

Chris Lang, a British forestry expert who runs the REDD Monitor blog, agrees that under REDD schemes involving forested or agricultural land,

“the rights to the use of that land could be taken away from indigenous peoples who depend on their forests for their livelihoods. Destroying livelihoods on this scale could conform to the parts (a), (b), and (c) of the [UN Convention] definition of genocide.”

Dr. Nafeez Ahmed is an international security journalist and academic. He is the author of A User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilization: And How to Save It, and the forthcoming science fiction thriller, ZERO POINT – set in a near future following a Fourth Iraq War.

Follow Ahmed on Facebook and Twitter.

This article was originally published on Guardian Environment, and is reproduced by kind permission via the Guardian Environment Network. It was inspired by a blogpost by British film-maker Dean Puckett who is travelling to Kenya this month (August 2014) to investigate the plight of the Sengwer.


Gorbachev’s Agenda 21 For The United States 

Rothschild's Choice Gorbachev


This is great.  Citizens arrest under the “Common Law Courts” because the regular civil and criminal system within these countries has been compromised at both the law enforcement police and judges level.  They formed a Direct action investigators who actually exist legally.   Apparently Canada has passed legislation that is called “Citizens Arrest” law.  They even mention governments as being part of the criminal side of this and due process having been followed by the Common law system.Under Common Law, if there is a threat to somebody, you are allowed to break the law, if it results in the common good.  He says that the common law  investigators emails had been intercepted by provocateurs and they mention NSA, and that makes sense to me, because NSA put up a huge facility in Israel, which means they are also monitoring what is going on in the USA and elsewhere,  implying some government involvement in all of this.

Many of those that wanted to come forward and cooperate, were killed.   Remember, Israel leaders are khazars and Satanists, and the Bohemian grove, according to Kathy O’Brien is where ritual sexual abuse of children and murder of those children has taken place.  She was witness to it more than once.  We posted a blog about it with a video interview she did.

Because of the success of this common law investigation, there has been a backing off of the child ritual murders, out of fear of being caught, which has saved the lives of children.  Annett says they will need to mobilize the community in dealing with this and stopping these crimes from happening.   These children are being sacrificed in the thousands.

It makes sense when you realize that just in the US alone there are 900,000 missing children.  That is almost a million of them.  When there was only 189,000 back in the 80’s we had posters everywhere, TV sponsored calls and photos of the children asking people to report having seen them, and we had milk cartons with photos of these children on them.   Today with 8 times the number missing there is NOTHING, no milk cartons, no press, nothing. Why?

What I am getting is that there is a growing desire to by pass the current system that is obviously not working,  and replacing, the system with the peoples created common law systems.  I would love to get a copy of that bill Canada passed which is a Citizens Arrest law.  We could do that here.  Its making a huge difference on those coming forward to spill what they know because they feel they will be safe.

This interview also deals with the attacks going on against the Common law system, including attacks on their funding as well as attacks against the replacement system, since the normal system is riddled with agents of these cults.  So, its not working and something had to take its place.

Annett has been involved in all of this and says that we can do the same thing, but we must get our communities involved or it won’t work.  They have to not only support it, but actively participate in it.  Our system used to be based on common law, but once our government was corporatized, it changed to a contract law system.  That is for another discussion.  Here is one site for educating ourselves so we can do the same thing.   And here is another one that is a training manual.

Lets email our reps that we know give a damn and ask them to check out the Canadian system and Belgium which is where the common law court is located, and see about starting this ourselves, by harassing our congress people and senators to start acting like our representatives and DO SOMETHING about all this by passing a common law court system here, for the people to take charge and stop all this horror going on.  Also, do not forget, “THIS IS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE” and its time we stepped up and chose sides to this.  It must be stopped for the sake of the children.

We also did a blog about  Georgia Senator Schaffer who tried to investigate CPS who were pimping for higher up officials, she was going international with all of this and she was killed, we also posted a blog on Andre Levays son who signed a sworn affidavit saying he saw high up officials in a suburb of Denver at a castle ritualistically sexually abusing children and murdering babies and drinking their blood.

That affidavit stands as fact unless proven wrong.  So far no one has tried to prove it wrong.  Andre Levay was the founder of the Church of Satan, and his son was brought with him to all these events, and that is why, at 10 years of age, he was subjected to watching all of this.  He eventually rejected his fathers church and became a Christian and minister.  No wonder these satanists kill Christians in the millions whenever they take over somewhere. They are the biggest threat to them. (There will be a follow up to this when Annett gets back from Montreal.)

Child sacrifice in Montreal disrupted, arrests made [Video]

Breaking Interview: Child sacrifice in Montreal disrupted, arrests made
Posted on August 17, 2014

VIDEO – Kevin Annett: ITCCS takes down Satanic child sacrifice. Exposes Cargill, Sinclair Oil execs, Montreal Bishop & McGill University.

VANCOUVER, BC – In an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre from Kitchner, ON, Kevin Annett, field Secretary of the International Common Law Court of Justice disclosed that an August 15, 2014 takedown by trained Court Direct Action Units of a planned Satanic child sacrifice ritual in Montreal, QC resulted in the arrest of two Satanic Ninth Circle cult participants in the planned crime, as well as the exposure of participants Cargill Corporation executive Kerry Brick and Sinclair Oil, Ltd executive Stephen Holding, as well as an as yet unnamed Bishop of Montreal.

The two children to be used at the Satanic sacrifice are apparently being held at McGill University. As of this writing ITCCS interrogations of the two Ninth Circle cult participants in an effort to uncover the location of the children held at McGill for sacrifice, as well as more details about Ninth Circle operations in Montreal and elsewhere.

Child Sacrificial Cult Disrupted, Arrests made in Montreal
Posted on August 16, 2014

Public Announcement of the Central Command of the Direct Action Units established by the International Common Law Court of Justice
Global Communique No. 2: August 16, 2014 – Brussels

Striking in the early hours of Friday, August 15, one of our trained Direct Action Units (DAU) in Montreal, Canada successfully disrupted the preparations for a child sacrificial cult ritual at a private residence in the fashionable Outremont district.

In the course of the action and under the authority of warrants issued by the Court, the DAU arrested two cult members who are being held in protective custody prior to their questioning and possible indictment before the Court.
The DAU Commander who headed the action​ has​ issued the following report to our Central Office:

“At 0700 hours EST ​yesterday​, 15 August,​ our Alpha team moved into action against the private residence in Outremont​, Quebec​ that has been under surveillance by us since 4 August. We met no opposition or resistance from the single armed security guard at the said residence, who was immediately detained along with a male cult employee engaged in preparations for the upcoming midnight ritual.

“Under questioning, the private security guard identified the location of the ritual as within a small sub-basement chamber that was reconnoitered and filmed by our team. The chamber included two small prison cells with wall shackles, and a central sound proof chamber containing a stone altar awash with apparent blood stains that were sampled and bagged for analysis. An adjoining room held locked cabinets containing considerable child pornographic material, articles of children’s clothing that was bagged for analysis, metallic torture devices, ceremonial swords, and sophisticated film equipment.

“The male cult employee in our custody refused to answer any of our questions, but in the course of our action a second cult member arrived at the residence and was detained. This member, an older woman, was very unnerved by our presence and combat attire. She therefore admitted to the upcoming ritual that evening and identified three of its participants: a ‘local catholic bishop’ whom she refused to name, a Cargill corporation executive named Kerry Brick, and an American named Stephen Holding from Sun Valley, Idaho, apparently with Sinclair Oil, Ltd.

“This informant also claimed that the two children to be used at the midnight ritual were being held at a separate facility at McGill University, but she ​claimed not to know where. She said that the normal procedure was to deliver them in a drugged condition just before the ritual began, for security reasons. Finally, she confirmed that the cult members describe themselves as part of the Ninth Circle society​ and claim they all carry tattoos with a cult insignia of the said Ninth Circle.​

“Our team restrained all three prisoners and locked down the premises, while taking more videos and samples from the underground chamber. We then secured a ​covert ​perimeter in ​the neighbourhood in ​anticipation of the arrival of the cult participants and their victims. Unfortunately​,​ ​although we maintained our vigil until well after midnight, ​no-one else arrived at the premises for the rest of that day and evening. We must assume that the participants were somehow alerted to our presence and aborted the ritual.

“The security guard in our custody was released by us after he proved that he had been retained in a private commercial capacity. The two cult members are being held in our DAU prison facility in Montreal prior to their questioning by the Court Prosecutor and his Canadian affiliates. All samples and film we obtained are in transit to Brussels headquarters for analysis.”

​”We are maintaining our covert surveillance on these cult premises in Outremont until further orders are received from Central Command.
DAU Alpha Team Commander, Montreal 1​6​/08/​20​14”

Supplementary Report of the Action at Pro Cathedral, Ireland by DAU Beta Team:

“Our DAU Beta Team in Dublin, Ireland encountered no ritualistic activity at the Cathedral at the time and date reported by our two Diocese informants. The latter claim that the ritual was either cancelled or moved to another location, but could not confirm anything more. 

However, the identity of a Ninth Circle adherent in Dublin was shared by one of the Diocese informants: a priest named Damien ​O’Reilly who is an assistant to the acting head of the catholic church in Ireland, Dublin Archbishop Dermot Martin.

DAU Beta Team is continuing its surveillance procedures at the Pro Cathedral and other reported cult centres in Ireland, and is assisting the Common Law Court being established in Galway to investigate the apparent ritual slaying of babies at the catholic facility in Tuam.”

The Court is proceeding to authorize further follow up actions by our DAU’s at other child sacrificial centres in Rome, Canada, the United States, Ireland, England, Belgium and Holland.​ Updates are forthcoming.​

CC-DAU Communique No. 2
Issued 16/08/2014​ ​
DAU Central Command Office


Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up By Rothschild Zionist Khazars!

***Fundraising – Our deficit is down to $125 from the original $350 and is needed by the first of the month. We wish to thank the generous donors who helped to lower our deficit.  If you can afford it and wish to aid us as a team to take on exposing the underbelly of the NWO beast, then we ask that you donate to the cause off to the right of the blog at the pay pal button. We are also providing proof that they may well lose this battle.We appreciate your support in reading, distributing and contributing financially to this blog. Without your help we could not do this work.  God bless you for your commitment to doing the right thing and supporting those who do the labour.  I truly believe we will prevail.

Vatic Note:  That is why I have a bit of a problem believing Putin is not one of them because he made it all the way up the khazar ladder to head of KGB, just like Bush did as head of CIA.   Putin may well have changed his mind, and is now one of us, but then, how did that happen?  It would have assumed he never knew the real agenda of the perpetrators of this massive global fraud.

As head of KGB, he would have to know, since black ops was always part of the larger agenda.  Its why the funding went from Congress, to drug running and money laundering, so the Intel agencies would not have to report to Congress on their activities since they had nothing to do with our sovereign nation’s best interests, rather it had to do with the global agenda.

The next question is “how is he still alive, if he betrayed his original benefactors?”  We know how easy it is to reach a leader to do him in, as they proved with JFK and his son and brother.   Most of what he spills the beans on here has been on the net already, so he is not really disclosing anything we did not know.

By the same token, it could be he is simply brave and courageous and responsible for single handedly taking on the Bankers regardless of consequences to his personal safety.  We will know in the end, once we have no world war, since both sides of any world war in the past were controlled by the khazars.  If Putin says “no world war”, then he is a good guy.   If he goes along with it, then he is simply the “controlled opposition” that these khazars always talk about in their plans.

Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up By Rothschild Zionist Khazars!
by Admin, Political Velcraft,  10/17/13

Soviet Communist Mikhail Gorbachev. He had to resign because the people were getting fed up with Rothschild's communism bilking operations.

Soviet Communist Mikhail Gorbachev. He had to resign because the people were getting fed up with Rothschild’s communism bilking operations. Sovietism aka; Communism aka; Rothschildism fell When Gorbachev Was Ousted In 1991.
Now This Son Of A B*tch Is In The U.S. Attempting To Institute Depopulation Like Mao Tse Tung’s China did & The WWII Ukraine’s Holodomor did Through Agenda 21. They must destroy our Bread Basket In The Middle Of The U.S. This was set up using BP’s ecoterrorism in The Gulf To Rattle The Salt Domes Which are Used To store Butane.
It is also being implemented by deconstruction of our dams and water sources. Now I ask You, why in the hell would anybody put highly explosive butane, natural gas, nuclear waste etc etc. in Salt Domes near the Mississippi Delta and call it America’s reserve? The Earth itself is already a “natural reserve”.
Just read up on Louisiana’s Sink Holes, If These Domes explode there goes America’s ‘bread basket’ and then comes starvation like Mao Tse Tung’s China & Stalin’s Ukraine. Why is this done? Well less for you and more for them. And also, Offense is better than a Defense ~ the defense caught Mussolini, but not Rothschild, he still hides and uses others for under the bus episodes.

Russian president Vladimir Putin has said that Jews made up “80 to 85 percent of the first government of the Soviet Union” following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

Putin’s speech, made on June 13 2013, was reported by the official Jewish Telegraphic Agency in an article six days later dealing with Putin’s visit to the Moscow “Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.”

According to the JTA report, Putin said with reference to a library belonging to Rabbi Joseph I. Schneerson, the late leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, that he “thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish (VN: khazars, big difference).”

Russia Federation’s President Vladimir Putin.

According to the official transcription of Putin’s speech at the museum, he went on to say that the politicians on the predominantly Jewish Soviet government

“were guided by false ideological considerations” and supported the arrest and repression of all faiths.”

On this latter point, Putin is of course incorrect, and he was probably avoiding the truth so as not to stir up a hornet’s nest against himself.

In reality, the [Misnomer] Jewish [Was Actually Zionist Khazars] Bolshevik government ruthlessly persecuted Christians in particular, and protected Jews [Zionist Khazars].

  1. Christian Death Books: The Forgotten 50 Million Victims Of Rothschild ~ The Orthodox Christian Holocaust.
  2. ObamaCare Website And The Ukrainian Wheat Farmers: Soviet Gorbachev’s Agenda 21 Within The U.S. Doing The Bidding Of The Rothschild Banking Cabal.
  3. New York Times White Wash Thugs Bill Clinton & General Wesley Clark Of War Crimes Against Christian Serbs!
  4. Understanding Rothschild: The Divide And Conquer Of The Khazars ~ Bosnia & Herzegovina
  5. CIA, Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr., & Barack Obama Have Been Indicted By The U.S. Congressional “Constitutional Task Force” For Crimes Against Humanity!
  6. How Did Your Senator Vote To Send 20 F-16′s Fighter Jets & 200 Abram Tanks To The Christian Crucifying Muslim Brotherhood Of Egypt?

One of the most deceptive U.S. traitors to date is John McCain.  ~mccain, lieberman, rothschild ~


Anti-Semitism was made illegal and punishable by death, and the only time Lenin’s voice was ever recorded was to make a widely distributed record denouncing anti-Semitism as “counter-revolutionary.”

ADL = Anti Defamation League aka; anti semitism

1913 – Jacob Schiff sets up Rothschild’s Anti Defamation League (ADL) in the United States.  This organisation is formed to slander anyone who questions or challenges the Rothschild global conspiracy as, “anti-semitic. (VN: Schiff is the one who wrote the $20 million check to trotsky (Whose real name was “Bronstein”) to finance the Russian revolution.  We did a blog on it here.)

Rothschild is not a practicing Jew by Judaism or By Blood Line. He is a common khazarian thug, but he likes to hide behind the word Jew as the coward he is when absconding people’s wealth.

In addition, the early Soviet government actually gave special privileges to Jews, which included the creation of a separate homeland meant for Jews only, called the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, situated in the Russian Far East.

The Bolsheviks established the autonomous oblast in 1934 to provide the Jewish population of the Soviet Union with a large territory in which to pursue Jewish culture.  According to the 1939 population census, 17,695 Jews lived in the region (16% of the total population). The Jewish population peaked in 1948 at around 30,000, about one-quarter of the region’s population.

State of Israel Is Born2

By then however, the closely-allied Zionist movement had decided firmly in favor of establishing a Jewish homeland by stealing Palestine from the Palestinian people, and the Jewish Autonomous Oblast saw a slow and steady decline in Jewish inhabitants.

rothschild zionist start david al-roy

Rothschild Too Big To Jail? Russia, Iceland, Iran, China, & Hungary Say No!

Rothschild’s ~ real surname is Bauer
During this decade Mayer Amschel Bauer works for a bank owned by the Oppenheimers’ in Hanover, Germany.  He is highly successful and becomes a junior partner. Whilst working at the bank he becomes acquainted with General von Estorff.

Following his father’s death, Bauer returns to Frankfurt to take over his father’s business. Bauer recognises the significance of the red hexagram and changes his name from Bauer to Rothschild, after the red hexagram or sign signifying 666 hanging over the entrance door (“Rot,” is German for, “Red,” “Schild,” is German for, “Sign”).

Rothschild Finally Purchased This Property In 1948 In Palestine And Called It Israel Contrary To The Torah.

Rothschild Had Plans To Purchase This Property [For Jews] Well Before The Hitler Excuse In The Balfour Agreement. Rothschild Was Having His Difficulties Parasitizing Off Of Gandhi’s India And Ultimately Lost To Gandhi ~ Therefore The Cabal Needed A New State Host To Parasitize Off Of ~ Israel.

Rothschild Bank Dick

The Balfour Declaration of 1917

Israel In Reality Is Sentient And A People, Not Land.

Rothschild Used His Red Hexagram And Simply Made It Blue For His Property Israel. He Called This The Star Of David But It Is Not Biblical. It Is The Star Of David Al-Roy A Zionist Khazar. Israel’s Star of David (interlaced triangles) symbol, is 2 overlapping triangels known as the Morgan David or Star of David. Not the David of the Bible or Qu’ran, but of David Al-roy a 12th century false prophet. It is also used by the Masonic Temple. So to better understand you could say Morgan Al-roy wine or Star Of Al-roy.
“I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

What Is the “American Dream”?

The term “American dream” is used in many ways, but it essentially is an idea that suggests that anyone in the US can succeed through hard work and has the potential to lead a happy, successful life. Many people have expanded upon or refined the definition to include things such as freedom, fulfillment and meaningful relationships. Someone who manages to achieve his or her version of the American dream is often said to be “living the dream.” This concept has been subject to criticism, because some people believe that the structure of society in the US prevents such an idealistic goal for everyone. Critics often point to examples of inequality rooted in class, race, religion and ethnicity that suggest that the American dream is not attainable for everyone.


The idea of an American dream is older than the US, dating to the 1600s, when people began to have all sorts of hopes and aspirations for what was a new and largely unexplored continent to European immigrants. Many of these dreams focused on owning land and establishing a prosperous business that — theoretically, at least — would increase one’s happiness. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, authors often wrote about the idealistic American dream, somewhat codifying the concept and entrenching it in American society.

Stereotypical Dream

The dream for Americans is often portrayed as being perfectly average. For example, some people might say that it is being married, having two children and living in a three-bedroom home with a white picket fence. Rather than being based on great wealth or success, this version of the dream might be based more on avoiding things such as poverty and loneliness.

Improving Upon the Past

Some people say that the American dream represents the desire to live a better life than the previous generation did — and that there is a legitimate opportunity for this to happen. The desire among many parents is for their children to lead happy lives. This is especially true among immigrants, because many of them fled extremely difficult circumstances in their native countries.


The idealistic vision of the American dream often disregards discrimination based on a person’s race, religion, gender and national origin, which might inhibit his or her ability to achieve specific goals. Critics also point out that many versions of the dream equate prosperity with happiness, and that happiness is possible without wealth or even in poverty. To some people, the American dream might be more about personal fulfillment than about economic success or owning property.




World Bank History
World Bank Group Historical Chronology: 1944-1949
World Bank Group Historical Chronology Produced by the World Bank Group Archives


P008434 (6)P008430 (6)P008432 (6)P008423 (6)P008418 (5)

P008428 (5)P008424 (5)P008425 (5)P008426 (5)P127776 (5)P008427 (5)P008431 (5)P008422 (5)P008433

(5)P143043 (5)P008420 (4)P147101 (4)P008421 (4)P008419 (3)P008429 (3)



The World Bank Working for a World Free of Poverty
Projects & Operations

Forestry Project
June 5, 1979
Vegetable Production and Marketing Project
June 6, 1978
Education Project (04)
March 28, 1978
Evros Development Project
June 14, 1977
Salonica and Volos Sewerage Project
December 7, 1976
Highway Project
April 6, 1976
East Vermion Irrigation Project
August 19, 1975
National Investment Bank for Industrial Development Project (05)
June 5, 1975
Education Project (03)
June 3, 1975
Nestos and Yannitsa Irrigation Project
April 30, 1974
National Investment Bank for Industrial Development Project (04)
October 23, 1973
Education Project (02)
September 12, 1972
National Investment Bank for Industrial Development Project (03)
October 26, 1971
Ground Water Irrigation Development Project
June 10, 1971
Education Project
November 3, 1970
National Investment Bank for Industrial Development Project (02)
April 7, 1970
National Investment Bank for Industrial Development Project
March 18, 1968

without comments

Another quite interesting and revealing Ben post here. It sounds from what he reports here, that we are in the last act of this dark old global soap opera. Ben gives some of the history behind much of this, from his understanding, and lays it out for all to see. The fact that he puts so much of this type of information out there tells me he knows he is “protected” (whatever that means) and that this dark-oriented group is pretty much out of it, power-wise. Others have likewise reported such (SaLuSa, Montague Keen, Wanderer).

As always, suggest using your Higher Discretion as you read.


  • …911… attacks…was an esoteric battle in a war for control of the global financial system… the 311 nuclear tsunami attack against Japan was also part of this battle.
  • …A critical mass of military, law-enforcement, banking and other officials has been identified and is about to arrest the culprits behind these and other attacks.
  • …global…accounts…backed by the pooled assets of many of the world’s governments… meant to be used to finance peaceful development… were mostly misspent on war by a group of misguided oligarchs concentrated in the financial, military, oil and (to a lesser extent) pharmaceutical industries.
  • …the top cabalists include George Bushes Jr.&Sr, Henry (Heinz) Kissinger, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Senator J. Rockefeller, Paul Wolfowitz, Frank Carlucci, Donald Rumsfeld, Tony Blair and the Pope.
  • The main plot line… goes back to the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944.
  • When U.S. President John F. Kennedy agreed with the 77-nation non-aligned group to create US treasury dollars to finance the development of the third world…, he was killed.
  • The problem with this fake war on terror is that it required the rest of the world to continue financing the US military industrial complex.
  • When Putin kicked the cabalists out of Russia, suddenly the cabal’s control over oil, and thus their stranglehold over much of the world’s economy, began to collapse.
  • However, the entire [cabal] plan began to crumble after 2006 when the Chinese began to stop buying US Treasury certificates.
  • …in June of 2009…two Japanese carrying $134.5 billion of various bonds were seized in Italy and had [them] taken… the trail led to cabal members located at the very top of the Western power structure.
  • Until this mess can be sorted out, a freeze has been put out at the very highest levels of the global financial system. This is what is ultimately behind the recent financial turmoil seen around the world.
  • The best intelligence available says…many cabal members will be put in jail while [thoss] judged to have sincerely worked with the greater good in mind, will be allowed to stay free…
  • There will also be some sort of announcements to the global public at large about what has been going on. Humanity will then enter uncharted waters.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Although a decade of research has proven a high level cabal at the top of the Western power structure was behind the 911 terror attacks, few realize the attack was an esoteric battle in a war for control of the global financial system. Fewer still realize the 311 nuclear tsunami attack against Japan was also part of this battle. However, a critical mass of military, law-enforcement, banking and other officials has identified and is about to arrest the culprits behind these and other attacks. The search for the ultimate culprits led to something known as the global collateral accounts and a high level group of conspirators that illegally took them over. These accounts are backed by the pooled assets of many of the world’s governments and were meant to be used to finance peaceful development. Instead, they were mostly misspent on war by a group of misguided oligarchs concentrated in the financial, military, oil and (to a lesser extent) pharmaceutical industries.

According to a US intelligence group that has been on this case for some time, the top cabalists include George Bushes Jr.&Sr, Henry (Heinz) Kissinger, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Senator J. Rockefeller, Paul Wolfowitz, Frank Carlucci, Donald Rumsfeld, Tony Blair and the Pope. Of course there were many thousands of working below them or else above them in the shadows who were in on the scheme. The intelligence and police agencies of the world have now obtained the codes for the global collateral accounts and can trace in detail who has been using these funds, and for what purpose, ever since they were hijacked in the 1950’s.

The main plot line, for those of readers who still do not have the big picture, goes back to the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944. At that time England, France and the US were supposed to run the global financial system for a 50-year period ending in 1994. However, in the 1950’s it became clear these countries were not going to keep their promises of Marshal Plans to develop Asia and Africa. Instead they wanted to finance a dialectical fake “cold war” between the Soviets and the “Western World,” in order to benefit the military, oil and related industries.

When U.S. President John F. Kennedy agreed with the 77-nation non-aligned group to create US treasury dollars to finance the development of the third world and a trip to the moon, he was killed. Over the coming decades other non-aligned leaders were also killed, hounded out of power or intimidated into silence.

The cold war was wound down and the Soviet Union was dismantled in the run up to the end of the US/French/British Bretton Woods financial mandates. However, the esoteric group at the top of the financial system could not agree on what was to come next.

The Chinese and their non-aligned allies around the world rightly argued that their turn had come. Furthermore, they were armed with multi-trillion dollar certificates of various sorts given to them by the Western Powers.

In one example, in 1938 7 US warships took vast amounts of Chinese gold to the US in order to keep it out of Japanese hands. In exchange the Chinese were given Treasury bonds that expired in 60-years or 1998. When that time came, the Chinese owners asked for their gold back but the owners of the Federal Reserve Board refused. The Feds were sued at the International Court of Justice in the Hague and lost.

The owners of the Fed were supposed to hand back the first shipment of gold on September 12th, 2001. As those of us who are not brainwashed understand, the Feds gave the world the “finger,” on September 11, 2001 and instead embarked on a vast new military build-up intended to replace the cold war.

The problem with this fake war on terror is that it required the rest of the world to continue financing the US military industrial complex. That was predicated on the complex being able to maintain control over oil, the lifeblood of the 20th century economy.

When Putin kicked the cabalists out of Russia, suddenly the cabal’s control over oil, and thus their stranglehold over much of the world’s economy, began to collapse.

The battle has now raged on for a decade. The 911 attack on the US was followed up by the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan aimed at stealing oil and obtaining illegal drug money.

However, the entire plan began to crumble after 2006 when the Chinese began to stop buying US Treasury certificates. The cabal tried to counter this by jacking up food and oil prices. When that failed and a counterattack known as the “Lehman Shock” took place, they started sucking up to China and trying to bribe top Chinese officials with promises of a global Chinese dictatorship (in partnership with the cabal). This was seen in the news as US President Obama going to China in 2009 and offering a “G2.”

More action took place in June of 2009 when two Japanese carrying $134.5 billion of various bonds were seized in Italy and had their bonds taken. US military and law enforcement types followed the trail to an organization known as the OITC and a Cambodian royal family member by the name of R.C. Dam who theoretical was the legal signator to the global collateral accounts. From there the trail led to cabal members located at the very top of the Western power structure.

Fearing arrest or more, a menagerie of top members of the Western Who’s Who popped out of the woodwork trying to cut deals and offering secrets.

Until this mess can be sorted out, a freeze has been put out at the very highest levels of the global financial system. This is what is ultimately behind the recent financial turmoil seen around the world. Because of the incredibly sensitive nature of the situation, a blanket of secrecy has been put in place until this mess can be sorted out.

The best intelligence available says that many cabal members will be put in jail while many others, who are judged to have sincerely worked with the greater good in mind, will be allowed to stay free and stay rich.

There will also be some sort of announcements to the global public at large about what has been going on. Humanity will then enter uncharted waters.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Note about comments on this Ben post: Thank you keeping them respectful, and in the Light. I am not opposed to critical discourse, but I will not post any comments that are crude, convey negative emotions, or are disrespectful of anyone or anything. Thank you.

To comment to Ben Fulford directly, please go to and place a comment there, or email him directly at either of the addresses he gives on his websites, or



Background info: In 1925 Colonel Percy Harrison Fawcett, his son Jack Fawcett and Raleigh Rimmell entered the Amazon jungle to search for a Lost City that for some reason he strangely named Z. It was to be his ninth and final expedition as they were never seen or heard of again.

It seems he based much of his belief of a Lost City on an old document he found in the library archives at Rio de Janeiro in 1920. Labelled Manuscript 512, it arrived in Rio de Janeiro in 1754 and is about a Portuguese expedition into the Amazon interior in 1743.

First Page of the Original Brazillian Manuscript 512
Having already become intrigued with the rumours local indians had told him about a lost city in the uncharted areas of the jungle, the information he read in the old document no doubt convinced him they were true.

Although Fawcett had great admiration for the Amazonian Indians and repeatedly refused to use force against them, even when attacked himself, he was not immune to the endemic racism of his time. He did not believe that the native Indians themselves had created this great city, but no doubt some lost European tribe, the Phoenicians or the Lost Tribes of Israel, had built the city before intermarrying with the Indians. He said he had seen white or fair skinned Indians on his travels through the jungle.

Presumably worried that someone would steal his chance of a great discovery, Fawcett was given to secrecy and cryptic notes where the Lost City was concerned. Probably the reason he named in the nondescript ‘Z’. He theorized this Lost City was located in the Mato Grosso region of the Brazilian Amazon Jungle, between the Upper Xingu and Tapajó rivers. This in part seems to be true as he was last seen alive in this area at a place he named Dead Horse Camp. He shot a lame horse here on a previous expedition. When
he entered the jungle in May 1925, never to be seen or heard of again, no one knows his exact heading or ultimate destination, or even if he ever discovered his lost City of Z.

After reading Manuscript 512, it is plain to see why it convinced Colonel Fawcett that a Lost City did indeed exist somewhere in the Amazon jungle. Put yourself in Fawcett’s frame of mind at the time, after hearing stories from some of the indigenous tribes about a Lost City in the jungle, and then reading the manuscript. Would you think the same as him?

Although the Manuscript describes the ‘city’ in great detail, frustratingly it doesn’t include a specific location

Please note: Due to parts of the manuscript being eaten by the Copiem worm, parts of the text has been lost. This is indicated by ………

Historical Relation of a hidden and great city of ancient date, without inhabitants, that was discovered
in the year 1753.
In America…………nos interiores (we inland)…….contiguous aos (next to the)….Mestre de Can (Master of Can)………………………..and his band (commitiva), having for ten years journeyed in the wilds (sertoes)
to see if we could locate the famous silver mines of the Great Moribecca (who, by the wickedness (culpa) of a Governor, was not granted letters patent, because the Governor wanted to take the silver mines for himself and the glory thereof, and he, the Moribecca, was kept prisoner in Bahia, till he died, which was done to worm out of him the location of the silver mines. This account came to Rio de Janeiro, in the beginning of the year 1754…”

“After long and wearisome wanderings, incited by the insatiable lust for gold, and almost lost cordillera of mountains, so high that they drew near the ethereal region (chegavdo a regido etherea), and served as a throne of the winds, under the stars; their lustre, from afar, excited our wonder and admiration, principally when the sun shining on them turned to fires the crystals of which the rocks were composed. The view was so beautiful that none could take their eyes from the reflections. It began to rain
before we came near enough to take note of these crystalline marvels, and we saw above…The spectacle was bare and sterile rocks, the waters precipitated themselves from the heights, foaming white, like snow, struck and turned to fire by the rays of the sun, like thunder-bolts. Delighted by the pleasing vistas of that….blended….shone and glistered….of the waters and the tranquility….of the day or weather (do tempo), we determined to investigate these prodigious marvels of nature, spread out before us,
at the foot of the mountains, without hindrance of forests or rivers that would make it difficult for us to cross them. But when we walked round the foot of the cordillera we found no open way or pass into the recesses of these Alps and Pyrenees of Brazil. So there resulted for us, from this disappointment, an inexplicable sadness.

“We grew weary and intended to retrace our steps, the next day, when it came to pass that one of our negroes, gathering dried sticks, saw a white deer (hum veado branco), and, by that accident, as it fled away, he discovered a road between two sierras, that appeared to have been made by man and not the work of Nature. We were made joyful by this discovery and we started to ascend the road, but found a great boulder that had fallen and broken all to pieces at a spot where, we judged, a paved way (calcada)
had been violently upheaved in some far-off day. We spent a good three hours in the ascent of that ancient road, being fascinated by the crystals, at which we marvelled, as they blazed and scintillated in many flashing colours from the rocks. On the summit of the pass through the mountain, we came to a halt.

“Thence, spread out before our eyes, we saw in the open plain (campo raso) greater spectacles (demonstracoes) for our vision of admiration and wonder. At the distance of about a league, as we judged, we saw a great city (povoacao grande), and we estimated, by the extent and sight of it, that it must be some city of the court of Brazil; we at once descended the road towards the valley, but with great caution…..would be, in like case, ordered to explore……by quality and……………if so well as they
had noticed……..smokes (fumines (?)), that being one of the evident signs or vestiges of the place (povoacao).

“Two days we waited, wondering whether to send out scouts, for the end we longed for, and all alone, we waited till daybreak, in great doubt and confused perplexity of mind, trying to guess if the city had any people in it. But it became clear to us thee were no inhabitants. An Indian of our bandeirantes determined, after two days of hesitation, to risk his life in scouting by way of precaution; but he returned, amazing us by affirming he had met no one; nor could discover foot-steps or traces of any person
whatever. This so confounded us that we could not believe we saw dwellings or buildings, and so, all the scouts (os exploradores) in a body, followed in the steps of the Indian…….”

“They now saw for themselves that it was true the great city was uninhabited. We, all, therefore, now decided to enter the place, our arms ready for instant use, at daybreak. At our entry we met none to bar our way, and we encountered no other road except the one which led to the dead city. This, we entered under three arches (arcos) of great height, the middle arch being the greatest, and the two of the sides being but small; under the great and principal arch we made out letters, which we could not copy,
owing to their great height above the ground.

“Behind, was a street as wide as the three arches, with, here and there, houses of very large size, whose facades of sculptured stone, already blackened with age; alone……..inscriptions, all open to the day (todos aberias)…..decreases of…….observing, by the regularity and symmetry with their terraces open to the day, without one tile; for the houses had, some of them, burnt floors; others large flagstones.

“We went, with fear and trembling, into some of the houses, and in none did we find vestiges of furniture, or moveable objects by which, or whose use, we might guess at the sort of people who had dwelt therein. The houses were all dark, in the interior, and hardly could the light of day penetrate, even at its dimmest, and, as the vaults gave back the echoes of our speech, the sound of our voices terrified us. We went on into the strange city and we came on a road (street: rua) of great length, and a well
set-out plaza (uma praca regular), besides, in it, and in the middle of the plaza a column of black stone of extraordinary grandeur, on whose summit was a statue of a man (homen ordinario: not a god, or demi-god) with a hand on the left hip and right arm out-stretched, pointing with the index finger to the north pole; and each corner of the said plaza is an obelisk like those among the Romans, but now badly damaged, and cleft as by thunderbolts.

“On the right side of the plaza is a superb building, as it were the principal town-house of some great lord of the land; there is a great hall (saldo) at the entrance, but still being awed and afraid, not all of us entered in the hou…….being so many and the retre……ed to form some………ed we encounter a…..mass of extraordin…… was difficult for him to lift it…………….

“The bats were so numerous that they fluttered in swarms round the faces of our people, and made so much noise that it was astonishing. Above the principal portico of the street is a figure in half-relief, cut out of the same stone, and naked from the waist upward, crowned with laurel, representing a person of youthful years, without beard, with a girdle (banda) around him, and an under-garment (um fraldelim) open in front at the waist, underneath the shield (escudo) of this figure are certain characters,
now badly defaced by time, but we made out the following:

“On the left side of the plaza is another totally ruined building, and the vestiges remaining well show that it was a temple, because of the still standing side of its magnificent
facade, and certain naves of stone, standing entire. It covers much ground, and in the ruined halls are seen works of beauty, with other statues of portraits inlaid in the stone, with crosses of various shapes, curves (arches (?) corvos) and many other figures that would take too long to describe here.

“Beyond this building a great part of the city lies completely in ruins, and buried under great masses of earth, and frightful crevasses in the ground, and in all this expanse of utter desolation there is seen no grass, herb, tree, or plant produced by nature, but only mountainous heaps of stone, some raw (that is, unworked), others worked and carved, whereby we understood……..they……because again among……of……corpses that……….and part of this unhappy………..and overthrown, perhaps, by
some earthquake.

“Opposite this plaza, there runs very swiftly a most deep (caudaloso) and wide river, with spacious banks, that were very pleasing to the eye: it was eleven to twelve fathoms in width, without reckoning the windings, clear and bared at its banks of groves, as of trees and of the trunks that are often brought down in floods. We sounded its depths and found the deepest parts to be fifteen or sixteen fathoms. The country beyond consists wholly of very green and flourishing fields, and so blooming with a variety
of flowers that it seemed as if Nature, more attentive to these parts, had laid herself out to create the most beautiful gardens of Flora: we gazed, too, in admiration and astonishment at certain lakes covered with wild rice plants from which we profited, and also at the innumerable flocks of geese that bred in these fertile plains (campos); but it would have been difficult to sound their depths with the hand, in the absence of a sounding-rod.

“Three days we journeyed down the river, and we stumbled on a cataract (uma catadupa) of such roaring noise and commotion of foaming waters, that we supposed the mouths of the much talked of Nile could not have made more trouble or booming, or offered more resistance to our further progress. Afterwards, the river spreads out so much from this cascade that it appears to be a great Ocean (qui parece a grande Oceano). It is all full of peninsulas, covered with green grass, with groves of trees, here and there,
that make………pleas………………Here, we find…………………….for want of it, we………………………….the variety of game……………many created beings without hunters to hunt and chase them.

“On the eastern side of this cataract, we found various subterranean hollows (subcavoes) and frightful holes, and made trial of their depths with many ropes; but, after many attempts we were never able to plumb their depths. We found, besides, certain broken stones, and (lying) on the surface of the ground, thrown down, with bars of silver (crevadas de prata) that may have been extracted from the mines, abandoned at the time.

“Among these caverns (furnas) we saw some covered with a great flagstone, with the following figures cut into it, that suggest a great mystery. They are as follows:

“Over the portico of the temple, we saw, besides, the following
“Distant a cannon-shot from the abandoned city is a building like a country house (casa de campo), with a frontage of 250 feet. It is approached by a great portico, from which a stairway built with a door communicating with the
said great chamber. Each room has its waterspout (or fountain: bica de agua)………………….the which water meets………………in the exterior courtyard…………..colonnades in the sur…………squared and fashioned by hand, overhung with the characters following:
“Thence, leaving that marvel, we went down to the banks of the river to see whether we could find gold, and without difficulty, we saw, on the surface of the soil, a fine trail promising great riches, as well of gold, as of silver: we marveled that this place had been abandoned by those who had formerly inhabited it; for, with all our careful investigations and great diligence we had met no person, in this wilderness, who might tell us of this deplorable marvel of an abandoned city, whose
ruins, statues and grandeur, attested its former populous ness, wealth, and its flourishing in the centuries past; whereas, today, it is inhabited by swallows, bats, rats and foxes, that, fed on the innumerable swarms of hens and geese, have become bigger than a pointer dog. The rats have the tails so short that they leap like fleas and do not run or walk, as they do in other places.

“At this place, the band separated, and one company, joined by others, journeyed forward, and, after nine days long marchings, saw, at a distance, on the bank of a great bay (enseada) into which the river spreads, a canoe with some white persons, with long, flowing, black hair, dressed like Europeans…………….a gunshot fired as a signal to………………..for they had escaped. They had………………………shaggy and wild………………….their hair is plaited and they wear clothes.

“One of our company, named Joao Antonio, found in the ruins of a house a piece of gold money, of spherical shape, greater than our Brazilian coin of 6,400 reis: on one side was an image, or figure of a kneeling youth; on the other, a bow, a crown, and an arrow (setta), of which coins we doubted not to have found many in the abandoned city; since it was overthrown by an earthquake, which gave no time, so sudden was its onset, to take away precious objects; but it needs a very powerful arm to turn over the
rubbish, accumulated in so many long years, as we saw.

“This news is sent to you Honour from the interior of the province of Bahia and from the rivers Para-oacu and Una, and assuring you that we shall give information to no person, whatsoever; for we judge the villages are empty of people and boat owners. But I have given to your Honour the mine we have discovered, reminded of the great deal that is owed to you.

“Supposing that from our band, one of our company went forth, at this time, with a different pretense…..he may, with great harm to your Honour, abandon his poverty and and come to use these great things for his own benefit, taking great care to bribe that Indian (therefore), so as to spoil his purpose and lead your Honour to these great treasures, etc………………………….would find, in the entrances……….flagsones…………..”

These strange characters were engraved on the great stones, sealing the vault of treasure, that the baneiristas could not open. This completes the fascinating manuscript by the bandeiristas of Minas Geracs that inspired many explorers to search for the lost city. Colonel P. H. Fawcett found that fourteen out of the twenty-four characters inscribed on the pillars and porticoes recorded in the South American manuscript were identical with those he accidentally discovered in the jungle forest of Ceylon. When he got back
to civilization he took a copy of the inscriptions to a learned Sinhalese priest, who told him that the writing was a form of Asoka, of the old Asoka Buddhists, in a cypher which only those ancient priests understood. Experts surmise that the bizarre inscriptions record the cacheing, in a time of great dearth, or famine, of an immense treasure that would be thousands of years old.

Fawcett was not the only explorer to act on the information in Manuscript 512, Richard Burton also ventured forth into the Amazon jungle. He wrote a book about his exploration called, Explorations of the Highlands of Brazil: With a Full Account of the Gold & Diamond Mines.